Pojasnilo | 11. 6. 2024 |
ISSN | Revija | Založnik/Izdajatelj | Št. čl. v COBIB.SI (2016) | Odprti dostop![]() |
1135-4712 | 'Ilu | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense. | 0 | |
1698-1014 | 'Ilu (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de las Religiones | 0 | |
1988-3269 | 'Ilu | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1015-8758 | Acta theologica | Teologiese Fakulteit, Universiteit van die Oranje Vrystaat, Teologiese Fakulteit | 0 | ✔ |
2309-9089 | Acta theologica (e-vir) | Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State | 0 | ✔ |
2161-0177 | Advances in the study of information and religion (e-vir) | Kent State University. | 0 | |
0250-4650 | Afer | AMECEA Pastoral Institute. | 0 | |
1088-6923 | Affirmation & critique | Living Stream Ministry. | 0 | |
1026-2946 | Africa journal of evangelical theology | Scott Theological College.; ACTEA Consortium of Theological Colleges. | 0 | |
0021-969X | A journal of church and state | J. M. Dawson Studies in Church and State, Baylor University | 0 | ✔ |
0364-0094 | AJS review (e-vir) | Association for Jewish Studies. | 0 | |
1475-4541 | AJS review (e-vir) | Association for Jewish Studies | 0 | |
1553-3956 | Aleph (e-vir) | Hebrew University | 0 | |
1565-1525 | ALEPH: historical studies in science and judaism | Edelstein Cent., The Hebrew University | 0 | |
0950-3110 | Al-Masaq | Dept. of Modern Arabic Studies, University of Leeds | 0 | ✔ |
1473-348X | Al-Masaq (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1946-0538 | Alternative spirituality and religion review (e-vir) | Academic Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0745-3698 | American Baptist quarterly | American Baptist Historical Society. | 0 | |
0095-182X | American Indian quarterly | Southwestern American Indian Society | 0 | |
1534-1828 | American Indian quarterly (e-vir) | Southwestern American Indian Society | 0 | |
0742-6763 | American journal of Islamic studies | Association of Muslim Social Scientists, | 0 | |
0194-3448 | American journal of theology & philosophy | American Journal of Theology & Philosophy] | 0 | ✔ |
2156-4795 | American journal of theology & philosophy (e-vir) | American Journal of Theology & Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1941-7624 | American theological inquiry (e-vir) | [Wipf and Stock Publishers] | 0 | |
1942-2709 | American theological inquiry | Wipf and Stock Publishers | 0 | |
2374-2534 | Anabaptist witness | Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary.; Mennonite Church Canada.; Mennonite Mission Network. | 0 | |
2374-2542 | Anabaptist witness (e-vir) | Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary.; Mennonite Church Canada.; Mennonite Mission Network. | 0 | |
0209-0864 | Analecta Cracoviensia | Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II | 0 | ✔ |
1378-4641 | Ancient near eastern studies | Peeters | 0 | |
1783-1326 | Ancient near eastern studies (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0003-2980 | Andrews University Seminary studies | Andrews University. | 0 | |
0896-8039 | Anglican and Episcopal history | Historical Society of the Episcopal Church | 0 | |
0003-3286 | Anglican theological review | Anglican Theological Review, inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2163-6214 | Anglican theological review (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1120-4001 | Annali di storia dell'esegesi | Centro Editoriale Dehoniano. | 0 | |
0257-9774 | Anthropos | Anthropos Institut | 0 | ✔ |
2942-3139 | Anthropos (e-vir) | Anthropos Institut | 0 | |
0003-6064 | Antonianum | Pontificio ateneo antonianum | 0 | |
1030-701X | ANZTLA newsletter | Australian and New Zealand Theological Library Association | 0 | |
1155-3316 | Apocrypha | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
2034-6468 | Apocrypha (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
0279-9804 | Apuntes | Perkins School of Theology. Mexican American Program. | 0 | |
1477-8351 | Aramaic studies | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5227 | Aramaic studies (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0229-2807 | Arc | McGill University. | 0 | |
2817-1799 | Arc (e-vir) | [Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University] | 0 | |
1612-3964 | Archa verbi | Aschendorff | 0 | |
1573-6121 | Archive for the psychology of religion = | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0335-5985 | Archives de sciences sociales des religions | Centre national de la recherche scientifique | 0 | |
1777-5825 | Archives de sciences sociales des religions (e-vir) | ASSR-EHESS | 0 | |
0066-6386 | Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft | Ars-Liturgica-Kunstverl. | 0 | |
0003-9381 | Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte | Gütersloher Verlagshaus Mohn | 0 | |
2198-0489 | Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte (e-vir) | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | |
0084-6724 | Archiv für Religionspsychologie | Mohr. | 0 | ✔ |
1093-1643 | Arts | United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. | 0 | |
1882-6865 | Asian ethnology | Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture | 1 | |
0118-8534 | Asian journal of pentecostal studies | Asia Pacific Theological Seminary | 0 | |
0955-2367 | Asian philosophy | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2961 | Asian philosophy (e-vir) | Taylor & Frances | 0 | ✔ |
0896-4394 | Assemblies of God heritage | Assemblies of God Archives.; Assemblies of God Heritage Society. | 0 | |
0045-0308 | Australian biblical review | Fellowship for Biblical Studies. | 0 | |
2040-1701 | Baha'i studies review (e-vir) | Intellect | 0 | |
0253-9365 | Bangalore theological forum | United Theological College, Division of Research and Post- graduate Studies. | 0 | |
0005-5719 | Baptist history and heritage | Southern Baptist Historical Society.; Southern Baptist Convention.; Mercer University.; Carson-Newman College.; Baptist History & Heritage Society. | 0 | |
1803-618X | Baptistic Theologies | Mezinárodní baptistický teologický seminář Evropské baptistické federace | 0 | |
2056-7731 | Baptist quarterly (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0005-979X | Beit ímiqra | Israel Society for Biblical Research. | 0 | |
0006-0585 | Bibbia e Oriente | Centro Studi Arti Grafiche | 0 | |
0006-0887 | Biblica | Pontificio Istituto Biblico | 0 | |
2385-2062 | Biblica (e-vir) | Pontificio istituto biblico | 0 | |
0927-2569 | Biblical interpretation | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5152 | Biblical interpretation (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2051-400X | Biblical reception | University of Sheffield. | 0 | |
0067-6535 | Biblical research | Chicago Society of Biblical Research. | 0 | |
0178-2967 | Biblische Notizen | M. Görg | 1 | |
2628-5762 | Biblische Notizen (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0006-2014 | Biblische Zeitschrift | F. Schöningh | 0 | |
1476-9948 | Black theology | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1670 | Black theology (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1071-4200 | Brethren in Christ history and life | Brethren in Christ Historical Society. | 0 | |
0006-9663 | Brethren life and thought | Bethany Theological Seminary.; Brethren Journal Association. | 0 | |
0007-0106 | Brigham Young University studies | Brigham Young University, | 0 | |
2377-3243 | Brigham Young University studies (e-vir) | [Brigham Young University] | 0 | |
0141-6200 | British journal of religious education | C.E.M | 0 | ✔ |
1740-7931 | British journal of religious education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0882-0945 | Buddhist-Christian studies | East-West Religions Project, University of Hawaii | 0 | ✔ |
1527-9472 | Buddhist-Christian studies (e-vir) | East-West Religions Project, University of Hawaii | 0 | ✔ |
0265-2897 | Buddhist studies review | Institut de recherche bouddhique Linh-Son.; Pali Buddhist Union. | 0 | ✔ |
1747-9681 | Buddhist studies review (e-vir) | s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
0896-307X | Bulletin | Association of Christian Economists. | 0 | |
0007-4322 | Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique | Institut catholique | 0 | |
1065-223X | Bulletin for Biblical research | Institute for Biblical Research (Winona Lake, Ind.) | 0 | |
2041-1863 | Bulletin for the study of religion | Equinox Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2041-1871 | Bulletin for the study of religion (e-vir) | Equinox Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0003-097X | Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research | American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
2161-8062 | Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (e-vir) | American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
0301-102X | Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester | John Rylands University Library of Manchester. | 0 | |
2052-8051 | Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester (e-vir) | John Rylands University Library of Manchester. | 0 | |
1534-8318 | Call to worship | Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).; Presbyterian Association of Musicians (U.S.) | 0 | |
0008-1795 | Calvin theological journal | Calvin Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
1519-7018 | Caminhando | Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, Faculdade de Teologia da Igreja Metodista | 0 | |
2176-3828 | Caminhando | Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, Faculdade de Teologia da Igreja Metodista | 0 | |
1710-825X | Canadian journal of Buddhist studies | Nalanda College of Buddhist Studies | 0 | |
1710-8268 | Canadian journal of Buddhist studies (e-vir) | Nalanda College of Buddhist Studies. | 0 | |
0009-4668 | Ching Feng | Good News Printing Co.. | 0 | |
1380-3603 | Christian bioethics | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1744-4195 | Christian bioethics (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.; Taylor & Francis. | 0 | ✔ |
0739-8913 | Christian education journal | Scripture Press Ministries in cooperation with the National Association of Professors of Christian Education | 0 | |
2378-525X | Christian education journal (e-vir) | Scripture Press Ministries in cooperation with the National Association of Professors of Christian Education | 0 | |
0148-3331 | Christianity and literature | Seattle Pacific University | 0 | ✔ |
2056-5666 | Christianity and literature (e-vir) | Conference on Christianity and Literature | 0 | ✔ |
0009-5753 | Christianity today | Christianity Today, Inc. | 0 | |
0258-1744 | Christian Orient | Christian Orient. | 0 | |
0017-2251 | Christian scholar's review | s.n.] | 0 | |
1050-4125 | Christian studies | Institute for Christian Studies | 0 | |
0009-6334 | Church and state | Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State | 0 | |
0009-6407 | Church history | American Society of Church History | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2613 | Church history (e-vir) | American Society of Church History | 0 | ✔ |
1871-241X | Church history and religious culture | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1871-2428 | Church history and religious culture (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0009-661X | Churchman | Church Society. | 0 | |
1678-5274 | Ciências da Religião | Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie | 0 | |
1980-9425 | Ciências da Religião (e-vir) | Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie | 0 | |
1697-2104 | Collectanea christiana orientalia | Universidad de Córdoba; Centre de documentation et de recherches arabes chrétiennes | 0 | |
2386-7442 | Collectanea christiana orientalia (e-vir) | Editorial Universidad deCórdoba | 0 | |
0588-3237 | Colloquium | College of Saint John the Evangelist (Auckland, N.Z.) | 0 | |
1496-8916 | Comment | Work Research Foundation; Cardus (Organization) | 0 | |
0010-3713 | Communio Viatorum | Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University | 0 | |
1757-0638 | Comparative and continental philosophy | Equinox Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1757-0646 | Comparative and continental philosophy (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1740-7125 | Comparative Islamic studies | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1638 | Comparative Islamic studies (e-vir) | Equinox Publishing Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0010-5260 | Concordia Historical Institute quarterly | Concordia Historical Institute. | 0 | |
0145-7233 | Concordia journal | Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis, Mo.) | 0 | |
0038-8610 | Concordia theological quarterly | Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.; Concordia Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
0259-0360 | Conscience et liberté | Association internationale pour la défense de la liberté religieuse | 0 | |
1463-9947 | Contemporary Buddhism | Curzon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1476-7953 | Contemporary Buddhism (e-vir) | Curzon | 0 | ✔ |
1872-0218 | Contemporary Islam | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1872-0226 | Contemporary Islam | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2169-3994 | Conversations with the Biblical world | Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society.; Society of Biblical Literature. | 0 | |
0892-5712 | Criswell theological review | Criswell College. | 0 | |
0590-0980 | Criterion | University of Chicago. | 0 | |
2050-3032 | Critical research on religion | 0 | ✔ | |
2050-3040 | Critical research on religion (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2151-1772 | Cross accent | Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. | 0 | |
0011-1953 | Cross currents | Association for Religion and Intellectual Life | 0 | |
1939-3881 | Cross currents (e-vir) | Convergence, Inc. | 0 | |
0011-2100 | Crucible | Church of England.; Church of England. | 0 | |
0011-2186 | Crux | Graduate Christian Fellowship, Toronto. | 0 | |
2375-0022 | Cultural encounters (e-vir) | Institute for the Theology of Culture : New Wine, New Wineskins. | 0 | |
0718-4727 | Cultura y religión (e-vir) | Instituto de Estudios Indigenas ISLUGA. Universidad Arturo Prat | 0 | |
0718-5472 | Cultura y religión | Instituto de Estudios Indigenas ISLUGA. Universidad Arturo Prat | 0 | |
1475-5610 | Culture and religion | Curzon | 0 | ✔ |
1475-5629 | Culture and religion (e-vir) | Curzon | 0 | ✔ |
1476-993X | Currents in biblical research | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5200 | Currents in biblical research (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0098-2113 | Currents in theology and mission | Evangelical Lutherans in Mission.; Christ Seminary-Seminex.; Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.; Concordia Seminary in Exile.; Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.; Wartburg Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
0105-3191 | Dansk teologisk tidsskrift | Eksistensen | 0 | |
1540-3009 | Dao | Global Publications, Binghamton University, State University of New York | 0 | ✔ |
1569-7274 | Dao (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1666-7832 | DavarLogos | Facultad de Teología, Universidad Adventista del Plata | 0 | |
1853-9106 | DavarLogos (e-vir) | Facultad de Teología, Universidad Adventista del Plata | 0 | |
0929-0761 | Dead Sea discoveries | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5179 | Dead Sea discoveries (e-vir) | Brill Academic | 0 | ✔ |
0021-1818 | Der Islam | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0928 | Der Islam | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1094-8473 | Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal | Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary (Allen Park, Mich.) | 0 | |
1869-3261 | Diaconia | 0 | ||
2196-9027 | Diaconia (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0012-2033 | Dialog | Dialog, inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6385 | Dialog (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0012-2157 | Dialogue | Dialogue Foundation | 0 | |
0012-2181 | Dialogue | [s.n.]. | 0 | |
1554-9399 | Dialogue (e-vir) | Dialogue Foundation. | 0 | |
1554-9631 | Dialogue (e-vir) | Dialogue Foundation. | 0 | |
0891-5881 | Dialogue & alliance | International Religious Foundation.; Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace. | 0 | |
0847-1266 | Didaskalia | The Seminary. | 0 | |
0043-2539 | Die Welt des Islams | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0607 | Die Welt des Islams = | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0384-8515 | Direction | Mennonite Brethren Schools. | 0 | |
1868-7032 | Early Christianity | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0012-8708 | Eastern Buddhist. New series | Otani University. Eastern Buddhist Society. | 0 | |
1781-0930 | Eastern Christian Art | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
1350-1674 | East European Jewish affairs | Institute of Jewish Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
1743-971X | East European Jewish affairs (e-vir) | Institute of Jewish Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
1744-1366 | Ecclesiology | Continuum Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5316 | Ecclesiology (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1942-4558 | Ecumenica | Ecumenica]; Penn State University Press | 0 | |
0383-431X | Ecumenism | Canadian Centre for Ecumenism | 0 | |
1084-7561 | Electronic journal of Vedic studies (e-vir) | Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies | 0 | |
0013-7081 | Encounter | School of Religion, Butler University. | 0 | |
2363-6696 | Entangled religions (e-vir) | Ruhr-Univ. Bochum, Käte-Hamburger-Kolleg | 0 | |
0013-9513 | Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses | Peeters | 0 | |
1783-1423 | Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
1522-7340 | Essays in the philosophy of humanism | Humanists of Houston.; American Humanist Association. | 0 | |
2052-8388 | Essays in the philosophy of humanism (e-vir) | Humanists of Houston, chapter of American Humanist Association | 0 | |
0210-1610 | Estudios eclesiásticos | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | 0 | |
2605-5147 | Estudios eclesiásticos (e-vir) | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | 0 | |
0101-3130 | Estudos Teológicos | Escola Superior de Teologia, Estudos Teológicos | 0 | |
2237-6461 | Estudos Teológicos (e-vir) | Escola Superior de Teologia, Estudos Teológicos | 0 | |
0014-2239 | Études théologiques et religieuses | Études théologiques et religieuses | 0 | |
0960-2720 | European journal of theology | Paternoste Periodicals | 0 | ✔ |
2666-9730 | European journal of theology (e-vir) | Paternoster Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0014-3006 | European Judaism | Berghahn | 0 | ✔ |
1752-2323 | European Judaism | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
0741-1758 | Evangelical journal | Evangelical School of Theology (Myerstown, Lebanon County, Pa.); Evangelical Theological Seminary (Myerstown, Lebanon County, Pa. : 2007-2011); Evangelical Seminary (Myerstown, Lebanon County, Pa.) | 0 | |
0014-3359 | Evangelical missions quarterly | Evangelical Missions Information Service.; William Carey Library. | 0 | |
0014-3367 | Evangelical quarterly | Paternoster Press Ltd | 0 | |
0144-8153 | Evangelical review of theology | Paternoster Press | 0 | |
0014-3502 | Evangelische Theologie | Kaiser | 0 | ✔ |
2198-0470 | Evangelische Theologie (e-vir) | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | ✔ |
0883-0053 | Ex auditu | Pickwick Publications | 0 | |
0166-2740 | Exchange | Interuniveritair Instituut voor Missiologie en Oecumenica | 0 | ✔ |
1572-543X | Exchange (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0014-5246 | Expository times | T. & T. Clark | 0 | ✔ |
0014-701X | Faith and freedom | Manchester College | 0 | |
0739-7046 | Faith and philosophy | Society of Christian Philosophers (U.S.),; Asbury Theological Seminary.; Georgetown University. | 0 | ✔ |
2153-3393 | Faith and philosophy | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
2325-3630 | Family and community ministries (e-vir) | Baylor University. | 0 | |
0966-7350 | Feminist theology | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5189 | Feminist theology (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0884-5379 | Fides et historia | Conference on Faith and History | 0 | |
1517-5863 | Fides Reformata | Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. | 0 | |
1517-6010 | Fides Reformata (e-vir) | Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie | 0 | |
1743-0615 | Fieldwork in religion | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1743-0623 | Fieldwork in religion (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1047-5141 | First things | Institute on Religion and Public Life | 0 | |
1945-5097 | First things (e-vir) | Institute on Religion and Public Life. | 0 | |
0015-5357 | Foi et vie | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0144-378X | Foundations | British Evangelical Council | 0 | |
2046-9071 | Foundations (e-vir) | British Evangelical Council | 0 | |
2073-7203 | Gosudarstvo, religiâ, cerkovʹ v Rossii i za rubežom.; Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом | Rossijskaâ akademiâ gosudarstvennoj služby pri Prezidente Rossijskoj Federacii; Российская академия государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации; Delo; Дело | 0 | |
2073-7211 | Gosudarstvo, religiâ, cerkovʹ v Rossii i za rubežom.; Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом (e-vir) | Gosudarstvo, religiâ, cerkovʹ v Rossii i za rubežom; Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом | 0 | |
1229-0521 | Guyag nondan; 구약논단 | han'gug guyag haghoe; 한국구약학회 | 0 | |
0250-7196 | Hamdard islamicus | Hamdard National Foundation | 0 | |
2789-8490 | Hamdard islamicus (e-vir) | Hamdard Foundation Pakistan | 0 | |
2224-6606 | Hanyu jidujiao (e-vir) | Zhongyuan daxue zongjiao yanjiu suo; Chun Yuan Christian University | 0 | |
1990-2670 | Hanyu jidujiao = | Zhongyuan daxue; Chun Yuan Christian University | 0 | |
1475-4517 | Harvard theological review (e-vir) | Harvard Divinity School | 0 | ✔ |
1569-2078 | Hawwa | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1569-2086 | Hawwa | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2192-2276 | Hebrew Bible and ancient Israel | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
2192-2284 | Hebrew Bible and ancient Israel (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0146-4094 | Hebrew studies | National Association of Professors of Hebrew in American Institutions of Higher Learning. | 0 | |
2158-1681 | Hebrew studies (e-vir) | National Association of Professors of Hebrew in American Institutions of Higher Learning | 0 | |
0360-9049 | Hebrew Union College annual | Hebrew Union College | 0 | |
0393-6805 | Henoch | Silvio Zamorani Editore; Morcelliana | 0 | |
0259-9422 | Hervormde teologiese studies | Departement van Nasionale Opvoeding | 0 | ✔ |
0009-5141 | Het Christelijk Oosten | Instituut voor Byzantijnse en Oecumenische Studies; Instituut voor Oosters Christendom | 0 | |
0844-4587 | Hindu-Christian studies bulletin | Calgary Institute for the Humanities.; Institute of Philsosophy and Culture (Madras, India); Society for Hindu-Christian Studies. | 0 | |
0018-2710 | History of religions | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6935 | History of religions (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1476-7937 | Holocaust and genocide studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
8756-6583 | Holocaust and genocide studies | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0738-0534 | Homiletic | Religious Speech Communication Association (U.S.); Academy of Homiletics (U.S.); American Academy of Homiletics.; College of Preachers (Washington, D.C.); Religious Communication Association (U.S.) | 0 | |
2152-6923 | Homiletic | Homiletic | 0 | |
0360-9669 | Horizons | Villanova University | 0 | ✔ |
2050-8557 | Horizons (e-vir) | College Theology Society; Cambridge University Press in association with Villanova University | 0 | ✔ |
1871-2207 | Horizons in biblical theology | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0195-9085 | Horizons in Biblical Theology | Clifford E. Barbour Library, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary | 0 | ✔ |
1679-9615 | Horizonte | Editora PUC Minas. | 0 | |
2175-5841 | Horizonte (e-vir) | Editora PUC Minas | 0 | |
2072-8050 | HTS (e-vir) | AOSIS OpenJournals | 0 | ✔ |
1097-3702 | Hugoye (e-vir) | Syriac Computing Institute. | 0 | |
1309-1786 | Ilahiyat Studies | Bursa İlahİyat Vakfi | 0 | |
2141-7040 | Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies | University of Ilorin | 0 | |
1463-9955 | Implicit religion | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1697 | Implicit religion (e-vir) | Equinox Publishing Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1018-6441 | In die skriflig | Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys; AOSIS Publishing; AOSIS (Pty) Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2305-0853 | In die Skriflig (e-vir) | AOSIS OpenJournals | 0 | ✔ |
0019-7246 | Indo-Iranian journal | Kluwer academic publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8536 | Indo-Iranian journal (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5121 | Indo-Iranian journal (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
1056-0548 | Insights | Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
2072-4586 | Insights | Islamic Research Institute Press | 0 | |
0128-4878 | Intellectual discourse | International Islamic University | 0 | |
0020-7047 | International journal for philosophy of religion | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8684 | International journal for philosophy of religion (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2041-9511 | International journal for the study of new religions | Equinox Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2041-952X | International journal for the study of new religions (e-vir) | Equinox Publishing Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8455 | International journal of children's spirituality (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
2056-9971 | International journal of Christianity & education | 0 | ||
2056-998X | International journal of Christianity & education (e-vir) | SAGE Publications Ltd | 0 | |
2154-7270 | International journal of cultic studies | International Cultic Studies Association. | 0 | |
2196-8802 | International journal of Dharma studies (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | |
2161-3354 | International journal of frontier missiology | International Student Leaders Coalition for Frontier Missions. | 0 | |
1022-4556 | International journal of hindu studies | World Heritage Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1574-9282 | International journal of Hindu studies | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2190-0582 | International journal of orthodox theology (e-vir) | D. Munteanu | 0 | |
2190-1023 | International journal of orthodox theology | Ed. Winterwork | 0 | |
2169-2327 | International journal of philosophy & theology | Taylor & Francis. | 0 | ✔ |
2169-2335 | International journal of philosophy & theology (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1430-6921 | International journal of practical theology | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1612-9768 | International journal of practical theology | de Gruyter | 1 | ✔ |
1569-7320 | International journal of public theology | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1872-5171 | International journal of public theology | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1799-8204 | International journal of sino-western studies | Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies. | 0 | |
2242-2471 | International journal of sino-western studies (e-vir) | [Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies] | 0 | |
1463-1652 | International journal of systematic theology | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2400 | International journal of systematic theology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8582 | International review of mission | Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches | 0 | ✔ |
1758-6631 | International review of mission (e-vir) | International Review of Missions | 0 | ✔ |
0020-9643 | Interpretation | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
2159-340X | Interpretation (e-vir) | Union Theological Seminary in Virginia | 0 | ✔ |
0021-0889 | Iraq | British School of Archaeology of Iraq. | 0 | ✔ |
2053-4744 | Iraq (e-vir) | British School of Archaeology in Iraq | 0 | ✔ |
0021-0978 | Irenikon | Mono stére de chevetogne | 0 | |
1469-9311 | Islam and Christian Muslim relations (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0959-6410 | Islam and Christian-Muslim relations | Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations | 0 | ✔ |
0578-8072 | Islamic studies | Islamic Research Institute | 0 | |
2710-5326 | Islamic studies (e-vir) | International Islamic University | 0 | |
0392-7288 | Islamochristiana | Pontificio istituto di studi arabi e islamici. | 0 | |
0021-2059 | Israel exploration journal | Israel Exploration Society | 0 | |
0075-2541 | Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0075-2681 | Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie | Ed. Stauda, Luth. Verl.-Haus | 0 | |
2197-3466 | Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0304-1042 | Japanese journal of religious studies | International Institute for the Study of Religions | 0 | |
0448-8954 | Japanese religions | Nihon Kirisutokyäo Kyäogikai. Shäukyäo Kenkyäujo. | 0 | |
0922-2936 | JET | Kok | 0 | ✔ |
1570-9256 | JET | Brill; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0792-3910 | Jewish bible quarterly Dor le Dor | World Jewish Bible Center. | 0 | |
0021-6704 | Jewish social studies | s.n. | 0 | |
1527-2028 | Jewish social studies (e-vir) | Conference on Jewish Relations | 0 | |
0944-5706 | Jewish studies quarterly | 0 | ||
1868-6788 | Jewish studies quarterly (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
1023-8727 | Jiàndào xuékān | Jiàndào shénxué yuàn | 0 | |
1530-5228 | Journal for cultural and religious theory (e-vir) | Whitestone Foundation | 0 | |
0257-7062 | Journal for Islamic studies | Centre for Islamic Studies, Rand Afrikaans University | 0 | |
1057-266X | Journal for preachers | Journal for Preachers | 0 | |
2047-704X | Journal for the academic study of religion | Equinox Publishing Ltd | 0 | |
2047-7058 | Journal for the academic study of religion (e-vir) | Equinox Publishing Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2049-7555 | Journal for the cognitive science of religion | Equinox Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2049-7563 | Journal for the cognitive science of religion (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8294 | Journal for the scientific study of religion | Society for the Scientific Study of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1468-5906 | Journal for the scientific study of religion (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2159-8711 | Journal for the sociological integraton of religion and society (e-vir) | Oxford Graduate School | 0 | |
0047-2212 | Journal for the study of Judaism | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0631 | Journal for the study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2159-2063 | Journal for the study of Paul and his letters | Eisenbrauns | 0 | |
1749-4907 | Journal for the study of religion, nature and culture | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1749-4915 | Journal for the study of religion, nature and culture (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1476-8690 | Journal for the study of the historical Jesus | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5197 | Journal for the study of the historical Jesus (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0142-064X | Journal for the study of the New Testament | University of Sheffield Department of Biblical Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5294 | Journal for the study of the New Testament (e-vir) | Dept. of Biblical Studies, the University | 0 | ✔ |
0309-0892 | Journal for the study of the Old Testament | Dept. of Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield | 0 | ✔ |
1476-6728 | Journal for the study of the Old Testament (e-vir) | University of Sheffield, Dept. of Biblical Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0951-8207 | Journal for the study of the pseudepigrapha | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5286 | Journal for the study of the Pseudepigrapha (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2165-5405 | Journal of Africana religions | Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora.; Pennsylvania State University Press. | 0 | |
2165-5413 | Journal of Africana religions (e-vir) | Penn State University Press | 0 | |
0855-3262 | Journal of African Christian Thought | Akrofi-Christaller Memorial Centre for Mission Research & Applied Theology. | 0 | |
1944-2815 | Journal of ancient Egyptian interconnections (e-vir) | University of Arizona. | 0 | |
2324-8106 | Journal of ancient history | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2324-8114 | Journal of ancient history (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1869-3296 | Journal of ancient Judaism | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht; Brill, Ferdinand Schöningh; Brill | 0 | |
2196-7954 | Journal of ancient Judaism (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht; Brill | 0 | |
1569-2116 | Journal of ancient Near Eastern religions | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1569-2124 | Journal of Ancient Near Eastern religions (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1740-3553 | Journal of Anglican studies | Continuum International Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5278 | Journal of Anglican studies (e-vir) | Published by Continuum Pub. on behalf of the Journal of Anglican Studies Trust | 0 | ✔ |
0806-198X | Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies (e-vir) | [University of Bergen, Section of Middle Eastern Languagesand Cultures] | 0 | |
0119-3228 | Journal of Asia mission | Asia Graduate School of Theology-Philippines. | 0 | |
1944-107X | Journal of biblical and pneumatological research | Wipf & Stock Publishers | 0 | |
0021-9231 | Journal of Biblical literature | Society of Biblical Literature | 0 | ✔ |
1934-3876 | Journal of Biblical literature (e-vir) | Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis | 0 | ✔ |
2374-4766 | Journal of Book of Mormon studies | Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship | 0 | |
2374-4774 | Journal of Book of Mormon studies (e-vir) | Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship,; Brigham Young University, | 0 | |
1076-9005 | Journal of Buddhist ethics (e-vir) | Journal of Buddhist Ethics] | 0 | |
2155-7594 | Journal of childhood and religion (e-vir) | Sopher Press | 0 | |
2313-2000 | Journal of Chinese Buddhist studies | Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies | 0 | |
0737-769X | Journal of Chinese religions | Society for the Study of Chinese Religions (U.S.); Indiana University, Bloomington. | 0 | |
2040-4867 | Journal of church and state (e-vir) | J.M. Dawson Studies in Chuch and State, Baylor University; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1353-7903 | Journal of contemporary religion | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9419 | Journal of contemporary religion (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1016-5584 | Journal of Coptic Studies | International Association for Coptic Studies.; IACS. | 0 | |
0022-0256 | Journal of cuneiform studies | American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
2325-6737 | Journal of cuneiform studies (e-vir) | American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
0253-7222 | Journal of Dharma | Dharma Research Association, Centre for the Study of World Religions, Dharmaram College | 0 | |
2222-582X | Journal of early Christian history | UNISA Press | 0 | ✔ |
2471-4054 | Journal of early Christian history (e-vir) | [Published on behalf of the Department of New Testament and Early Christian Studies, University of South Africa]; Unisa Press | 0 | |
1067-6341 | Journal of early Christian studies | John Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3184 | Journal of early Christian studies (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2196-6648 | Journal of early modern Christianity | 0 | ✔ | |
2196-6656 | Journal of early modern Christianity (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0022-0558 | Journal of ecumenical studies | Temple University | 0 | ✔ |
2162-3937 | Journal of ecumenical studies | Duquesne University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1213-1520 | Journal of European Baptist Studies | Mezinárodní baptistický teologický seminář Evropské baptistické federace o.p.s. | 0 | |
1804-6444 | Journal of European Baptist Studies (e-vir) | Mezinárodní baptistický teologický seminář Evropské baptistické federace o.p.s.; International Baptist Theological Study Centre | 0 | |
1553-3913 | Journal of feminist studies in religion (e-vir) | Scholars Press | 0 | ✔ |
8755-4178 | Journal of feminist studies in religion | Scholars Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-6457 | Journal of global Buddhism (e-vir) | [Pennsylvania State University] | 0 | |
1467-1085 | Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism | Sheffield Phoenix Press | 0 | |
2054-1988 | Journal of Holy Land and Palestine studies | Edinburgh University Press Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2054-1996 | Journal of Holy Land and Palestine studies (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0022-1791 | Journal of Indian philosophy | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0395 | Journal of Indian philosophy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0890-0132 | Journal of interdisciplinary studies | Institute for Interdisciplinary Research | 0 | ✔ |
2766-0508 | Journal of interdisciplinary studies (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
2051-9710 | Journal of Islamic archaeology | Equinox Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2051-9729 | Journal of Islamic archaeology (e-vir) | Equinox Publishing Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1536-4569 | Journal of Islamic philosophy | Journal of Islamic Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1536-4755 | Journal of Islamic philosophy | Journal of Islamic Philosophy, Inc.; Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0955-2340 | Journal of Islamic studies | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6917 | Journal of Islamic studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2097 | Journal of Jewish studies | Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2093-7288 | Journal of Korean religions | Institute for the Study of Religion, Sogang University | 0 | ✔ |
2167-2040 | Journal of Korean religions (e-vir) | University of Hawai'i Press | 0 | ✔ |
1669-8649 | Journal of latin american theology | Fundación Kairós.; Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana. | 0 | |
1476-6086 | Journal of management, spirituality & religion | Y. Altman; Routledge | 0 | |
1942-258X | Journal of management, spirituality & religion (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group | 0 | |
1944-7841 | Journal of markets & morality (e-vir) | Published by the Center for Economic Personalism | 0 | |
1534-8415 | Journal of media and religion | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1534-8423 | Journal of media and religion | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1947-6566 | Journal of medieval religious cultures | Pennsylvania State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2153-9650 | Journal of medieval religious cultures (e-vir) | Pennsylvania State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0824-5053 | Journal of Mennonite studies | Chair in Mennonite Studies. University of Winnipeg. | 0 | ✔ |
1918-610X | Journal of Mennonite studies (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1933-6632 | Journal of Moravian history | Moravian Archives (Bethlehem, Pa.); Moravian Historical Society. | 0 | |
2161-6310 | Journal of Moravian history (e-vir) | Moravian Archives and the Moravian Historical Society | 0 | |
0094-7342 | Journal of Mormon history | Mormon History Association] | 0 | ✔ |
2473-6031 | Journal of Mormon history (e-vir) | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
1360-2004 | Journal of Muslim minority affairs | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9591 | Journal of Muslim minority affairs (e-vir) | Routledge. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2968 | Journal of Near Eastern studies | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6978 | Journal of Near Eastern studies (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1064-9867 | Journal of pastoral theology | Society for Pastoral Theology. | 0 | ✔ |
2161-4504 | Journal of pastoral theology (e-vir) | Society for Pastoral Theology | 0 | ✔ |
0966-7369 | Journal of Pentecostal theology | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5251 | Journal of Pentecostal theology (e-vir) | Sage. | 0 | ✔ |
1521-9216 | Journal of Presbyterian history | Presbyterian Historical Society in cooperation with the Historical Foundation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church | 0 | |
0733-4273 | Journal of psychology and Christianity | Published for CAPS by Bookcrafters | 0 | |
0091-6471 | Journal of psychology and theology | Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology. | 0 | ✔ |
2328-1162 | Journal of psychology and theology (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1465-3591 | Journal of Qur'anic studies | Centre of Islamic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1755-1730 | Journal of Qur'anic studies (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2153-2370 | Journal of race, ethnicity, and religion (e-vir) | Sopher Press | 0 | |
1569-7312 | Journal of reformed theology (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1872-5163 | Journal of reformed theology | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1522-5658 | Journal of religion & society | Creighton University, Center for the Study of Religion and Society | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4197 | Journal of religion and health | Human Sciences Press, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6571 | Journal of religion and health (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
2006-5442 | Journal of Religion and Human Relations | Dept. of Religion and Human Relations, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka | 0 | |
1703-289X | Journal of religion and popular culture (e-vir) | University of Saskatchewan, Dept. of Religious Studies; University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1941-8450 | Journal of religion and society (e-vir) | Creighton University. | 0 | |
2159-6808 | Journal of religion and violence (e-vir) | Academic Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4200 | Journal of religion in Africa | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0666 | Journal of religion in Africa | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1047-7845 | Journal of religious & theological information | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1528-6924 | Journal of religious & theological information (e-vir) | Haworth Press; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0384-9694 | Journal of religious ethics | American Academy of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9795 | Journal of religious ethics | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
1935-6943 | Journal of religious leadership | Academy of Religious Leadership. | 0 | |
1065-6219 | Journal of research on christian education | School of Education, Andrews University | 0 | ✔ |
1934-4945 | Journal of research on christian education | School of Education, Andrews University | 0 | ✔ |
0890-1112 | Journal of ritual studies | Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Pittsburgh | 0 | |
0022-4480 | Journal of semitic studies | University of Manchester | 0 | ✔ |
1477-8556 | Journal of Semitic studies (e-vir) | University of Manchester | 0 | ✔ |
2051-557X | Journal of Shi'a Islamic studies (e-vir) | ICAS Press | 0 | |
1748-9423 | Journal of Shi%ite Islamic studies | Islamic College for Advanced Studies | 0 | |
1939-7909 | Journal of spiritual formation and soul care | Institute of Spiritual Formation at Biola University | 0 | ✔ |
2328-1030 | Journal of spiritual formation and soul care (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1550-7378 | Journal of the Adventist Theological Society | Adventist Theological Society. | 0 | |
0002-7189 | Journal of the American Academy of Religion | American Academy of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4585 | Journal of the American Academy of Religion (e-vir) | American Academy of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0279 | Journal of the American Oriental Society | American Oriental Society. | 0 | |
2169-2289 | Journal of the American Oriental Society (e-vir) | George P. Putnam | 0 | |
2329-440X | Journal of the bible and its reception | 0 | ✔ | |
2329-4434 | Journal of the bible and its reception (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0008-3208 | Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society | Canadian Church Historical Soc.. | 0 | |
2161-878X | Journal of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies | Canadian Society for Coptic Studies. | 0 | |
1783-2446 | Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (e-vir) | Peeters | 0 | |
1783-2454 | Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research | Peeters | 0 | |
0360-8808 | Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society | Evangelical Theological Society. | 0 | |
1550-6363 | Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies = (e-vir) | Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library.; International Association for Tibetan Studies. | 0 | |
2330-4146 | Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference | Lutheran Historical Conference. | 0 | |
1936-0843 | Journal of theological interpretation | Eisenbrauns | 0 | ✔ |
2576-7933 | Journal of theological interpretation (e-vir) | Penn State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2867 | Journal of theology for Southern Africa | South African Council of Churches. | 0 | |
1540-7942 | Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics | Society of Christian Ethics (U.S.),; Georgetown University Press,; Philosophy Documentation Center, | 0 | |
2326-2176 | Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (e-vir) | Society of Christian Ethics | 0 | |
8756-4785 | Journal of Theta Alpha Kappa | Theta Alpha Kappa. | 0 | |
1097-1769 | Journal of unification studies | Unification Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
1741-0819 | Journal of youth and theology | International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry. | 0 | |
0739-5086 | Judaica librarianship | Association of Jewish Libraries | 0 | |
2330-2976 | Judaica librarianship (e-vir) | Association of Jewish Libraries, | 0 | |
2294-9321 | Judaisme ancien | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2507-0339 | Judaisme ancien (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
1844-7252 | Jurnal teologic | Institutul Teologic Baptist din Bucureşti.; Universitatea din Bucureşti. Facultatea de Teologie Baptistæa. | 0 | |
1081-8561 | Ḳabalah.; קבלה | Hotsaʼat Keruv; הוצאת כרוב, | 0 | |
1014-9341 | Kaíros | Seminario teológico centroamericano. | 0 | |
2161-0738 | Kerux (e-vir) | Northwest Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
1809-2454 | Kerygma (e-vir) | Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo, Curso de Teologia | 0 | |
0023-0707 | Kerygma und Dogma | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-8020 | Kerygma und Dogma (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0075-6199 | Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch | Luthe-Druck | 0 | |
0932-9951 | Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-808X | Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
1343-4128 | Kokusai Bukkyäogaku Daigakuin Daigaku kenkyäu kiyäo | International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies.; International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies. | 0 | |
1565-7388 | K̇tab ʿet ʾeleqṭrŵniy l-madʿey ha-yahadẇt.; כתב עת אלקטרוני למדעי היהדות (e-vir) | ʾẆniybarsiyṭat Ḃar-ʾIylan | 0 | |
0085-2619 | Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift (e-vir) | Svenska kyrkohistoriska föreningen | 0 | |
0888-5613 | Latin American Indian literatures journal | Geneva College (Beaver Falls, Pa.).; Pennsylvania State University.; Pennsylvania State University.; Penn State McKeesport. | 0 | |
1661-3317 | Lectio difficilior | S. Schroer, [c/o] Theol. Fakultät der Universität Bern | 0 | |
0075-8914 | Levant | Council for British Research in the Levant.; British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem.; British Institute at Amman for Archaeology and History. | 0 | ✔ |
1756-3801 | Levant (e-vir) | British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem | 0 | ✔ |
2325-2146 | Lexington theological quarterly (e-vir) | Lexington Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
0081-8933 | Liber annuus - Studium Biblicum Franciscanum | Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. | 0 | |
0269-1205 | Literature & theology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4623 | Literature and theology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0024-5100 | Liturgisches Jahrbuch | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0458-063X | Liturgy | The Liturgical Conference | 0 | ✔ |
1557-3001 | Liturgy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1064-0398 | Logia | Luther Academy (USA) | 0 | |
0024-5895 | Logos | Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christ Studies.; Redemptorists. Eastern Rite Branch. Vice-Province of Yorkton. | 0 | |
0148-2009 | Lonergan Workshop | Lonergan Workshop. | 0 | |
1030-4428 | Lucas | Evangelical History Association. | 0 | |
0340-6210 | Luther | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. | 0 | |
0024-7456 | Lutheran forum | American Lutheran Publicity Bureau] | 0 | |
0024-7553 | Lutheran theological journal | Lutheran Church of Australia. | 0 | |
2207-9173 | Lutheran theological journal (e-vir) | Australian Lutheran College, | 0 | |
0342-0914 | Lutherjahrbuch | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. | 0 | |
0174-1756 | LWF documentation | Kreuz Verlag Erich Breitsohl | 0 | |
0149-5712 | Maarav | Western Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1556-8547 | Magic, ritual, and witchcraft | University of Pennsylvania Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-5111 | Magic, ritual, and witchcraft | University of Pennsylvania Press | 0 | ✔ |
1517-0241 | Mandrágora | Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, Faculdade de Humanidades e Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião | 0 | |
1743-2200 | Material religion | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1751-8342 | Material religion (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1366-0691 | Medieval sermon studies | International Medieval Sermon Studies Society | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6276 | Medieval sermon studies (e-vir) | published for the International Medieval Sermon Studies Society under the auspices of the Centre for Medieval Studies (Leeds) | 0 | ✔ |
0256-856X | Melanesian journal of theology | Melanesian Association of Theological Schools. | 0 | |
0253-164X | Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph | Université Saint-Joseph; Dar El-Machreq | 0 | |
1548-8500 | Mennonite life (e-vir) | Bethel College (North Newton, Kan.) | 0 | |
0943-3058 | Method & theory in the study of religion | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0682 | Method & theory in the study of religion | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0026-1238 | Methodist history | United Methodist Church (U.S.).; Association of Methodist Historical Societies.; United Methodist Church (U.S.). | 0 | |
1946-5254 | Methodist review (e-vir) | Methodist Review | 0 | |
0887-1760 | Mid-America journal of theology | Mid-America Reformed Seminary. | 0 | |
1543-6977 | Midwestern journal of theology | Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (U.S.) | 0 | |
1867-030X | Millennium | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1867-0318 | Millennium (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0544-408X | Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos | Universidad de Granada | 0 | |
1696-585X | Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos | Universidad de Granada | 0 | |
2340-2547 | Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos | UGR | 0 | |
0091-8296 | Missiology | American Society of Missiology. | 0 | ✔ |
2051-3623 | Missiology (e-vir) | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
0256-9507 | Missionalia | Southern African Missiological Society. | 0 | |
2312-878X | Missionalia (e-vir) | Southern African Missiological Society | 0 | |
0168-9789 | Mission studies | IAMS secretariat. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3831 | Mission studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1353-1425 | Modern believing | Modern Churchpeople's Union. | 0 | ✔ |
2053-633X | Modern believing (e-vir) | Modern Churchpeople's Union | 0 | ✔ |
0276-1114 | Modern Judaism (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3273 | Modern Judaism (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0266-7177 | Modern theology | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0025 | Modern theology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0254-9948 | Monumenta serica | Monumenta Serica | 0 | ✔ |
2057-1690 | Monumenta serica (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2156-8022 | Mormon studies review | Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship | 0 | |
2156-8030 | Mormon studies review (e-vir) | University of Illinois (System).; Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, | 0 | |
0732-2992 | Muqarnas | Yale University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2211-8993 | Muqarnas (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1094-2076 | Near Eastern archaeology | Published by Scholars Press for the American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
2325-5404 | Near Eastern archaeology (e-vir) | Published by Scholars Press for the American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
0028-212X | Nederlands theologisch tijdschrift | Veenman; Boekencentrum; Boekencentrum Tijdschriften | 0 | |
0254-8356 | Neotestamentica | New Testament Society of South Africa | 0 | |
2518-4628 | Neotestamentica (e-vir) | New Testament Society of South Africa | 0 | |
0028-3517 | Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1612-9520 | Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0028-6885 | New Testament studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8145 | New Testament studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1016-5320 | Nidan | University of Durban-Westville; University of KwaZulu-Natal | 0 | |
0809-7291 | Nordic journal of religion and society | Fagbokforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1890-7008 | Nordic journal of religion and society (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1092-6690 | Nova religio | University of California Press | 0 | |
1541-8480 | Nova religio (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | |
0048-1009 | Novum Testamentum | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5365 | Novum Testamentum (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0029-5973 | Numen | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1516-1021 | Numen | Editora da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. | 0 | |
1568-5276 | Numen (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2236-6296 | Numen (e-vir) | Editora da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora | 0 | |
1115-232X | Ogbomoso journal of theology | Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
0029-8654 | Ökumenische Rundschau | Evang. Verl.-Anst. | 0 | |
1010-9919 | Old testament essays | Old Testament Society of South Africa. | 0 | |
2312-3621 | Old Testament essays (e-vir) | Old Testament Society of South Africa | 0 | |
1807-8222 | Oracula | Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, Grupo Oracula de Pesquisas em Apocalíptica Judaica e Cristã. | 0 | |
0340-6407 | Oriens christianus | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0030-5367 | Orientalia | Pontificio Istituto Biblico. | 0 | |
0030-5375 | Orientalia christiana periodica | Pontificio istituto orientale | 0 | |
0742-4019 | Orthodox tradition / Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies | Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies (St. Gregory Palmas Monastery) | 0 | |
0030-6487 | Ostkirchliche Studien | Ostkirchliches Institut der Deutschen Augustiner; Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Augustinerordensprovinz zum Studium der Ostkirche | 0 | |
0031-0328 | Palestine exploration quarterly | Palestine Exploration Fund | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1301 | Palestine exploration quarterly (e-vir) | Maney Publishing on behalf of the Palestine Exploration Fund | 0 | ✔ |
0362-1596 | Parabola | Tamarack Press] | 0 | |
0031-2789 | Pastoral psychology | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6679 | Pastoral psychology | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0713-3383 | Pastoral sciences | Saint Paul University (Ottawa, Ont.). Institute of Pastoral Studies.; Saint Paul University (Ottawa, Ont.). Faculty of Human Sciences. | 0 | |
1871-7691 | PentecoStudies (e-vir) | Hollenweger Center | 0 | ✔ |
2041-3599 | PentecoStudies | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1224-984X | Perichoresis | Universitatea "Emanuel" din Oradea | 0 | |
2284-7308 | Perichoresis (e-vir) | "Emanuel" University Publishing House | 0 | ✔ |
2346-1780 | Perseitas (e-vir) | Universidad Católica Luis Amigó | 0 | ✔ |
0888-5281 | Perspectives | Reformed Church Press | 0 | |
0093-531X | Perspectives in religious studies | Association of Baptist Professors of Religion.; National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion. | 0 | |
0892-2675 | Perspectives on science and Christian faith | American Scientific Affiliation | 0 | |
1529-1634 | Philosophia Christi | Evangelical Philosophical Society.; Biola University. | 0 | |
0890-2461 | Philosophy, theology | Marquette University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2195-9773 | Philosophy, theology and the sciences | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
2197-2834 | Philosophy, theology and the sciences (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
2153-828X | Philosophy and theology | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8221 | Philosophy East & West | University Press of Hawaii | 0 | ✔ |
1529-1898 | Philosophy East and West (e-vir) | University of Hawaii Press | 0 | |
1451-3455 | Philotheos | [Faculty of Philosophy] | 0 | |
0819-4920 | Phronema | St Andrews Greek Orthodox Theological College. | 0 | |
0172-6943 | Pietismus und Neuzeit | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. | 0 | |
2179-0019 | Plura (e-vir) | Associação Brasileira de História das Religiões | 0 | |
1570-0747 | Pneuma | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0272-0965 | Pneuma; | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0253-2913 | Point series - Melanesian Institute for Pastoral and Socio-economic Service | Melanesian Institute for Pastoral and Socio-economic Service. | 0 | |
0268-1056 | Polin | Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies.; American Association for Polish-Jewish Studies.; Littman Library of Jewish Civilization. | 0 | |
1462-317X | Political theology | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1719 | Political theology (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2156-7697 | Politics, religion & ideology (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2156-7689 | Politics, Religion and Ideology | 0 | ✔ | |
1755-0483 | Politics and religion | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-0491 | Politics and religion (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1820-6581 | Politikologija religije | Centar za proučavanje religije i versku toleranciju | 0 | |
1820-659X | Politikologija religije (e-vir) | Centar za proučavanje religije i versku toleranciju | 0 | |
1743-887X | Postscripts | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1743-8888 | Postscripts (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
2155-2355 | Practical matters (e-vir) | Candler School of Theology | 0 | |
1756-073X | Practical theology | 0 | ✔ | |
1756-0748 | Practical theology (e-vir) | Equinox Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0193-6212 | Presbytérion | Covenant Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
2161-2188 | Preternature (e-vir) | Penn State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2161-2196 | Preternature | Penn State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0898-753X | Priscilla papers | Christians for Biblical Equality | 0 | |
2163-355X | Priscilla papers (e-vir) | Christians for Biblical Equality. | 0 | |
0887-5049 | Prism | Prism Publishers, | 0 | |
1055-338X | Proceedings of the North American Academy of Liturgy Annual Meeting | The Academy | 0 | |
0360-6503 | Process studies | [Process Studies at the School of Theology at Claremont] | 0 | ✔ |
2154-3682 | Process studies | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1063-8512 | Pro ecclesia | Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology | 0 | ✔ |
2631-8334 | Pro ecclesia (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0272-9601 | Prooftexts | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | |
1086-3311 | Prooftexts (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | |
0033-1767 | Protestantesimo | Subilia-Vittorio. | 0 | |
1678-6408 | Protestantismo em revista | Escola Superior de Teologia, Instituto Ecumênico de Pós-Graduação, Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa do Protestantismo | 0 | |
1385-4585 | Psyche en geloof | Christelijke Vereniging voor Psychiaters, Psychologen en Psychotherapeuten. | 0 | |
1941-1022 | Psychology of religion and spirituality | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1943-1562 | Psychology of religion and spirituality (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0911-7660 | Pure land | International Association of Shin Buddhist Studies. | 0 | |
0033-5053 | Quaker history | Friends' Historical Association. | 0 | |
1934-1504 | Quaker history (e-vir) | Friends Historical Association | 0 | |
1023-0807 | R&T. Religion & theology | University of South Africa | 0 | ✔ |
0484-0887 | Recherches augustiniennes | Études augustiniennes | 0 | |
0034-1258 | Recherches de science religieuse | aux bureaux de la revue | 0 | |
2104-3884 | Recherches de science religieuse (e-vir) | Centre Sèvres | 0 | |
1783-1717 | Recherches de théologie et de philosophie médiévales (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
1370-7493 | Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales | Abbaye du Mont César | 0 | |
1778-8099 | Recherches philosophiques | Faculté de philosophie de l'Institut catholique de Toulouse | 0 | |
1075-7368 | Reflections | Missionary Church Historical Society. | 0 | |
2325-2847 | Reflective practice | Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.; American Association of Pastoral Counselors.; Association for Theological Field Educators and Spiritual Training Programs. | 0 | |
2325-2855 | Reflective practice | Journal of Pastoral Care Publications | 0 | |
1357-4175 | Reformation | Tyndale Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1752-0738 | Reformation (e-vir) | Tyndale Society | 0 | ✔ |
1462-2459 | Reformation & Renaissance review | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1727 | Reformation & Renaissance review (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0034-3072 | Reformed theological review | [s.n.]. | 0 | |
0034-3056 | Reformed world | World Alliance of Reformed Churches. | 0 | |
1179-7231 | Relegere | Dept. of Theology and Religion, University of Otago | 0 | |
1210-3640 | Religio | Česká společnost pro studium náboženství | 0 | |
2336-4475 | Religio (e-vir) | Česká společnost pro studium náboženství; Česká společnost pro religionistiku o.s. | 0 | |
0048-721X | Religion | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-1151 | Religion | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2153-5981 | Religion, brain & behavior (e-vir) | [Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group] | 0 | ✔ |
2153-599X | Religion, brain & behavior | Institute for the Biocultural Study of Religion. | 0 | ✔ |
0963-7494 | Religion, state & society | Carfax Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1465-3974 | Religion, state & society (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1052-1151 | Religion and American culture | Indiana University Press for the Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8568 | Religion and American culture | Indiana University Press for the Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5417 | Religion and gender | IWFT Vrouwennetwerk Theologie | 0 | ✔ |
2150-9298 | Religion and society | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
2150-9301 | Religion and society (e-vir) | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
0034-3951 | Religion and Society | Christian Institute for the Study of Religion & Society Pub. Trust. | 0 | |
1553-9962 | Religion and society in Central and Eastern Europe (e-vir) | ISORECEA | 0 | |
1079-9265 | Religion and the arts | Boston College; Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5292 | Religion and the arts (e-vir) | Boston College | 0 | ✔ |
1574-3012 | Religion and theology | Unisa Press; Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1749-8171 | Religion compass (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1853-4783 | Religión en incidencia pública (e-vir) | Grupo de Estudios Multidisciplinarios sobre Religión e Incidencia Pública | 0 | |
1751-2689 | Religions of South Asia | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1751-2697 | Religions of South Asia (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
0034-4087 | Religious education | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1547-3201 | Religious education | Religious Education Association | 0 | ✔ |
0034-4095 | Religious humanism | Fellowship of Religious Humanists. | 0 | |
0034-4125 | Religious studies | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1469-901X | Religious studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0829-2922 | Religious studies and theology | University of Alberta | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5414 | Religious studies and theology (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
0319-485X | Religious studies review | Council on the Study of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1748-0922 | Religious studies review (e-vir) | Council on the Study of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
0486-5642 | Restoration quarterly | Restoration Quarterly Corp. | 0 | |
1677-1222 | Rever | Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Departamento de Teologia e Ciências da Religião, Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Ciências da Religião | 0 | |
2236-580X | Rever | Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Departamento de Teologia e Ciências da Religião, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Religião | 0 | |
0034-6373 | Review and expositor | Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.; McAfee School of Theology.; Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond.; Baylor University.; Campbell University Divinity School. | 0 | ✔ |
2052-9449 | Review and expositor (e-vir) | Faculty of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary | 0 | ✔ |
2359-8093 | Review of Ecumenical Studies | [s.n.] | 0 | |
2359-8107 | Review of Ecumenical Studies (e-vir) | [s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
0034-673X | Review of religious research | Religious Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
2211-4866 | Review of religious research (e-vir) | Religious Research Association; Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0034-7078 | Revista bíblica | E. Bierzychudek; A. C. Telesca | 0 | ✔ |
2683-7153 | Revista Bíblica (e-vir) | Asociación Bíblica Argentina | 0 | ✔ |
1768-2959 | Revue d'études tibétaines (e-vir) | CNRS, UMR 8047 | 0 | |
0035-2381 | Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique | Université catholique de Louvain | 0 | ✔ |
2294-1088 | Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique (e-vir) | Université Catholique de Louvain | 0 | ✔ |
0035-2403 | Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses | Université de Strasbourg (1538-1970) | 0 | |
0035-1423 | Revue de l'histoire des religions | E. Leroux | 0 | ✔ |
2105-2573 | Revue de l'histoire des religions (e-vir) | [A. Colin] | 0 | ✔ |
0484-8616 | Revue des études juives | Société des études juives (France) | 0 | |
0035-2209 | Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques | Le Saulchoir | 0 | |
2118-4445 | Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques (e-vir) | Vrin | 0 | |
0035-2217 | Revue des sciences religieuses | Université de Strasbourg (1538-1970); Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) | 0 | |
0035-1784 | Revue de théologie et de philosophie | Revue de théologie et de philosophie, | 0 | |
2297-1254 | Revue de théologie et de philosophie (e-vir) | Revue de théologie et de philosophie | 0 | |
1544-4856 | Road to Emmaus | Christ the Saviour Orthodox Brotherhood.; VSA Russian Mission. | 0 | |
2042-1273 | Rural theology (e-vir) | Equinox Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1470-4994 | Rural theology journal | Rural Theology Association. | 0 | ✔ |
0771-7776 | Sacris Erudiri | St-Pietersabdij Steenbrugge. | 0 | ✔ |
2295-9025 | Sacris Erudri (e-vir) | St-Pietersabdij Steenbrugge | 0 | ✔ |
0036-3537 | Salmanticensis | Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca | 0 | |
1502-7244 | Scandinavian journal of the Old Testament (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0954-4194 | Science & Christian belief | Paternoster Press | 0 | |
0316-5345 | Science et esprit | Collège dominicain de philosophie et de théologie; Jésuites. Province du Bas-Canada. Faculté de philosophie; Jésuites. Province du Bas-Canada. Faculté de théologie | 0 | |
0036-9306 | Scottish journal of theology | T. & T. Clark. | 0 | ✔ |
1475-3065 | Scottish journal of theology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1733-5760 | Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia | Jagiellonian University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2084-3925 | Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia (e-vir) | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego | 0 | ✔ |
0036-9764 | Scripta theologica | Ediciones Universidad de Navarra | 0 | ✔ |
2254-6227 | Scripta theologica (e-vir) | Universidad de Navarra | 0 | ✔ |
0254-1807 | Scriptura | Departement Bybelkunde van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. | 0 | ✔ |
2305-445X | Scriptura | [Department of Old and New Testament, Stellenbosch University] | 0 | ✔ |
2053-6712 | Secularism & nonreligion (e-vir) | Ubiquity Press | 0 | ✔ |
2240-6360 | SEDOS Bulletin | SEDOS | 0 | |
0037-0894 | Sefarad | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Arias Montano de Estudios Hebraicos, Sefardíes y de Oriente Próximo. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-320X | Sefarad | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
1526-0674 | Seminary ridge review | Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa. | 0 | |
1738-3447 | Seon'gyo sinhag | han-guk seon-gyo sinhakoe | 0 | |
0970-8324 | Sevartham | St. Albert's College, Faculty of Theology. | 0 | |
1059-9576 | Sewanee theological review | School of Theology, University of the South | 0 | |
1216-7827 | Shaman | Molnar & Kelemen Oriental Publishers | 0 | |
0253-3812 | Shénxué yěu shäenghuó | Xìn-yì-zäong shénxué yuàn.; Lutheran Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
1744-8727 | Sikh formations | Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1744-8735 | Sikh formations (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1229-7917 | Sinhag gwa silcheon | han-gug silcheon sinhaghoe | 0 | |
0901-8328 | SJOT, Scandinavian journal of the old testament | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0144-8722 | Sobornost | 1979- | 0 | |
0037-7686 | Social compass | Centre de recherches socio- religieuses | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7404 | Social compass (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1874-8937 | Social sciences and missions = | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1874-8945 | Social sciences and missions = | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2213-140X | Sociology of Islam | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2213-1418 | Sociology of Islam (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1069-4404 | Sociology of religion | Association for the Sociology of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1759-8818 | Sociology of religion (e-vir) | Association for the Sociology of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1550-1140 | Sojourners magazine | Sojourners | 0 | |
1343-8980 | Soka Daigaku Kokusai Bukkyogaku Koto Kenkyujo nempo | Soka Daigaku. Kokusai Bukkyogaku Koto Kenkyujo | 0 | |
0038-1861 | Soundings | The University of Tennessee; The Society for Values in Higher Education | 0 | ✔ |
2161-6302 | Soundings (e-vir) | Society for Religion in Higher Education | 0 | ✔ |
0950-2742 | Sourozh | Russkai︠a︡ patriarshai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ. | 0 | |
2156-9401 | Southeastern theological review | Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
0038-4828 | Southwestern journal of theology | Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
0038-7134 | Speculum | Mediaeval Academy of America. | 0 | ✔ |
2040-8072 | Speculum (e-vir) | Mediaeval Academy of America | 0 | ✔ |
1533-1709 | Spiritus | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1535-3117 | Spiritus | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0036-3103 | St. Mark's review | St. Mark's Institute of Theology. | 0 | |
0036-3227 | St. Vladimir's theological quarterly | St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (Crestwood, N.Y.) | 0 | |
2311-3448 | State, religion and church (e-vir) | Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration | 0 | |
1171-7920 | Stimulus | Douglas Maclachlan | 0 | |
2230-5963 | Stimulus (e-vir) | Laidlaw College. | 0 | |
1097-6566 | Stone-Campbell journal | College Press Pub. Co., | 0 | |
2042-7867 | Strata | Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society | 0 | |
1017-0499 | Studia historiae ecclesiasticae | Serva Publishers | 0 | |
2412-4265 | Studia historiae ecclesiasticae (e-vir) | University of South Africa, Research Institute for Theology and Religion | 0 | |
0585-5292 | Studia islamica | Larose | 0 | ✔ |
1958-5705 | Studia islamica (e-vir) | Maisonneuve & Larose | 0 | ✔ |
0215-0492 | Studia Islamika | Lembaga Penelitian IAIN Syarif Hidayattullah. | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3207 | Studia liturgica | Societas Liturgica. | 0 | ✔ |
2517-4797 | Studia liturgica (e-vir) | Wyt | 0 | ✔ |
2084-4077 | Studia Religiologica (e-vir) | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego | 0 | ✔ |
0039-338X | Studia theologica | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7791 | Studia theologica (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis AS | 0 | ✔ |
0393-3687 | Studi ecumenici | Istituto di studi ecumenici S. Bernardino | 0 | |
2372-9988 | Studies in Chinese religions | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
2372-9996 | Studies in Chinese religions (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0953-9468 | Studies in Christian ethics | T & T Clark | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5235 | Studies in Christian ethics (e-vir) | T & T Clark | 0 | ✔ |
1930-3777 | Studies in Christian-Jewish relations | Center for Christian-Jewish Learning, Boston College | 0 | ✔ |
0926-2326 | Studies in interreligious dialogue | Kok Pharos ;; Orbis Books ;; Peeters | 0 | |
0926-6453 | Studies in spirituality | Kok Pharos | 0 | |
1783-1814 | Studies in spiriutality (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
1354-9901 | Studies in world christianity | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0230 | Studies in world Christianity (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2355-6145 | Studi Islamika (e-vir) | Pusat Pengkajian Islam dan Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta | 0 | ✔ |
1127-2171 | Studi sull'oriente cristiano | Accademia Angelica-Costantiniana | 0 | |
0955-7385 | Sufi | Khaniqahi Nimatullahi | 0 | |
0066-0868 | Summary of proceedings / | American Theological Library Association. | 0 | |
1100-2298 | Svensk exegetisk °arsbok | Uppsala exegetiska sällskap | 0 | |
2001-9424 | Svensk exegetisk årsbok (e-vir) | Svenska exegetiska sällskapet | 0 | |
0346-217X | Svensk missionstidskrift (e-vir) | Sveriges kristliga studentrörelse; Svenska institutet för missionsforskning; Svenska missionsrådet | 0 | |
0039-6761 | Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0280-9133 | Svenskt gudstjänstliv | Svenska kyrkans forskningsråd; Laurentius Petri sällskapet för svenskt gudstjänstliv; Riksförbundet Svensk kyrkomusik | 0 | |
2001-5828 | Svenskt gudstjänstliv (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0251-4788 | Táiwäan shénxué lukäan | Táiwäan shénxuéyua. | 0 | |
1089-7747 | TC | Scholars Press | 0 | ✔ |
1368-4868 | Teaching theology & religion | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9647 | Teaching theology & religion (e-vir) | Blackwell Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0497-1817 | Temenos | Suomen uskontotieteellinen seura | 0 | |
2342-7256 | Temenos (e-vir) | Finnish Society for the Study of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1668-6233 | Teología y cultura (e-vir) | Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano | 0 | |
1211-1872 | Teologická reflexe | Evangelická teologická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy | 0 | |
1893-0263 | Teologisk tidsskrift | Universitetet i Oslo; Det Teologiske menighetsfakultet | 0 | ✔ |
1893-0271 | Teologisk tidsskrift | Universitetsforlaget i samarbeid med Teologisk fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo og Det teologiske menighetsfakultetet | 0 | ✔ |
0360-3717 | The A.M.E. Zion quarterly review | African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. | 0 | |
1537-7989 | The American Jewish archives journal | The Center | 0 | |
1090-5642 | The Asbury theological journal | Asbury Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
0218-0812 | The Asia journal of theology | [Association for Theological Education in South East Asi] | 0 | |
1354-8697 | The Baha'i studies review | Association for Baha'i Studies - English-Speaking Europe. | 0 | |
0005-576X | The Baptist quarterly | Baptist Historical Society (Great Britain) | 0 | ✔ |
1832-3391 | The Bible and critical theory[electronic resource] | Monash University ePress. | 0 | ✔ |
2051-6770 | The Bible translator | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
2051-6789 | The Bible translator (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0098-9444 | The Biblical archaeology review | Biblical Archaeology Society | 0 | |
0006-1921 | The Bibliotheca sacra | Xenia Theological Seminary.; Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary of the United Presbyterian Church of North America.; Evangelical Theological College (Dallas, Tex.); Dallas Theological Seminary and Graduate School of Theology.; Dallas Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
1715-9199 | The Canadian journal of Orthodox Christianity (e-vir) | St Arseny Orthodox Christian Theological Institute. | 0 | |
0008-7912 | The Catholic Biblical quarterly | Catholic Biblical Association of America | 0 | |
2163-2529 | The Catholic Biblical quarterly (e-vir) | Catholic Biblical Association of America | 0 | |
0009-5281 | The Christian century | Christian Century Co. | 0 | |
1549-9979 | The confessional Presbyterian | Reformation Presbyterian Press, | 0 | |
0829-044X | The Conrad Grebel review | Conrad Grebel College. | 0 | |
0361-0934 | The Covenant quarterly | Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of America.; Evangelical Covenant Church of America.; Evangelical Covenant Church. | 0 | |
2380-8829 | The Covenant quarterly (e-vir) | Covenant Publications | 0 | |
0012-5806 | The Downside review | College of St. Gregory (Downside, England).; Downside Abbey (Bath, England) | 0 | |
2397-3498 | The Downside review (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0013-0796 | The ecumenical review | World Council of Churches | 0 | ✔ |
1758-6623 | The ecumenical review (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5308 | The expository times (e-vir) | T. & T. Clark | 0 | ✔ |
0017-3894 | The Greek Orthodox theological review | Holy Cross School of Theology, Hellenic College | 0 | |
0017-8160 | The Harvard theological review | Harvard Divinity School | 0 | ✔ |
0018-8271 | The Hymn | Hymn Society of America | 0 | |
1532-7582 | The international journal for the psychology of religion (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1050-8619 | The International journal for the psychology of religion | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1364-436X | The international journal of children's spirituality | [s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
1942-3241 | The international journal of transpersonal studies (e-vir) | Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center | 0 | |
1321-0122 | The International journal of transpersonal studies | Bolda-Lok Publishing and Educational Enterprises, | 0 | |
0021-6682 | The Jewish quarterly review | Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning | 0 | ✔ |
1553-0604 | The Jewish quarterly review (e-vir) | D. Nutt | 0 | ✔ |
2325-8780 | The journal for spiritual and consciousness studies | The Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, Inc. | 0 | |
2471-6383 | The journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist studies (e-vir) | The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank | 0 | |
2471-6391 | The journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist studies | 0 | ||
1933-3978 | The journal of applied Christian leadership | Christian Leadership Center of Andrews University | 0 | |
1933-3986 | The journal of applied Christian leadership (e-vir) | Andrews University. | 0 | |
0838-0430 | The Journal of Bahá'í studies = | Association for Bahá'í Studies. | 0 | |
0022-0469 | The journal of ecclesiastical history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7637 | The Journal of ecclesiastical history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2152-6397 | The journal of family ministry | Gheens Center for Christian Family Ministry. | 0 | |
1203-1542 | The journal of Hebrew scriptures (e-vir) | [E. Ben Zvi] | 0 | ✔ |
2372-0727 | The Journal of inductive biblical studies (e-vir) | Asbury Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
1353-1042 | The journal of Israeli history | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1744-0548 | The journal of Israeli history (e-vir) | Frank Cass [published for the Institute for Research in the History of Zionism] | 0 | ✔ |
1754-517X | The journal of late antique religion and culture (e-vir) | Cardiff University, Centre for Late Antique Religion and Culture | 0 | ✔ |
2163-3088 | The journal of law and religion (e-vir) | Hamline University School of Law | 0 | ✔ |
0748-0814 | The Journal of law and religion | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
1098-1217 | The journal of markets & morality | Center for Economic Personalism (Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty) | 0 | |
1542-3050 | The journal of pastoral care & counseling | Journal of Pastoral Care Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2167-776X | The journal of pastoral care & counseling (e-vir) | Journal of Pastoral Care Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0449-508X | The Journal of pastoral counseling | Graduate Division of Pastoral Counseling, Iona College | 0 | |
1549-6538 | The journal of religion (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4189 | The Journal of religion | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1092-1311 | The journal of religion and film | University of Nebraska at Omaha, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion | 0 | |
0022-4227 | The Journal of religious history | Association for the Journal of Religious History | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9809 | The Journal of religious history (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1551-3432 | The Journal of scriptural reasoning (e-vir) | National Society for Scriptural Reasoning.; University of Virginia. | 0 | |
1094-5253 | The journal of Southern religion | Journal of Southern Religion | 0 | |
1939-7518 | The journal of textual reasoning (e-vir) | Society for Textual Reasoning. | 0 | |
1812-4461 | The Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association | EPTA | 0 | |
2224-7963 | The Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association (e-vir) | EPTA | 0 | |
0092-6558 | The journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center | Interdenominational Theological Center] | 0 | |
0193-600X | The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies | International Association of Buddhist Studies. | 0 | |
0022-5185 | The journal of theological studies | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4607 | The journal of theological studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0891-1177 | The Journal of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives | Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. | 0 | |
1550-0195 | The journal of Unitarian Universalist history | Unitarian Universalist Historical Society | 0 | |
1933-9208 | The journal of Unitarian Universalist history (e-vir) | Unitarian Universalist Historical Society. | 0 | |
1541-0412 | The journal of youth ministry | Association of Youth Ministry Educators in cooperation with Gordon College | 0 | |
1946-1771 | The Living pulpit (e-vir) | Living Pulpit, Inc. | 0 | |
0024-7499 | The Lutheran quarterly | Lutheran Quarterly, Inc. | 0 | |
1066-3959 | The Master's seminary journal | Master's Seminary (Sun Valley, Calif.) | 0 | |
0307-8388 | Themelios | British Theological Students Fellowship.; International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. | 0 | |
0025-9373 | The Mennonite quarterly review | Goshen College.; Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries.; Mennonite Historical Society.; Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. | 0 | |
0027-4909 | The Muslim world | Hartford Seminary Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1478-1913 | The Muslim world (e-vir) | Hartford Seminary Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1495-7922 | Theoforum | Saint Paul University (Ottawa, Ont.). | 0 | |
0040-5620 | Theological education | Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada.; American Association of Theological Schools. | 0 | |
1937-8904 | Theological librarianship (e-vir) | American Theological Library Association | 0 | ✔ |
0379-9557 | Theological review | Near East School of Theology | 0 | |
2076-4723 | Theological review (e-vir) | Near East School of Theology | 0 | |
0040-5639 | Theological studies | Theological Studies, inc., etc. | 1 | ✔ |
2169-1304 | Theological studies (e-vir) | Theological Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1813-7024 | Theologies and cultures | Formosa Christianity and Culture Research Centre.; FCCRC.; Chang Jung Christian University.; CJU.; Tainan Theological College and Seminary.; TTCS.; Formosa Christianity and Culture Centre of Chang Jung Christian University. | 0 | |
1022-5390 | Theologika | Facultad de teología, Universidad unión incaica | 0 | |
0040-5671 | Theologische Literaturzeitung | Evangelische Verlagsanstalt | 0 | |
0342-1430 | Theologische Quartalschrift | Schwabenverlag | 0 | |
0040-5698 | Theologische Rundschau | Mohr | 0 | |
1868-727X | Theologische Rundschau (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0040-571X | Theology | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain) | 0 | ✔ |
2044-2696 | Theology (e-vir) | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5170 | Theology & sexuality (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1355-8358 | Theology and sexuality | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5736 | Theology today | Science Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-2556 | Theology today (e-vir) | Westminster Press | 0 | ✔ |
1270-2056 | Théophilyon | Université catholique de Lyon. Faculté de théologie.; Facultés catholiques de Lyon. Faculté de philosophie. | 0 | |
0030-5839 | The Orthodox word | Saint Herman of Alaska Brotherhood.; Russkaia pravoslavnaia tserkovʹ zagranitsei. | 0 | |
0951-497X | Theosophical history | Theosophical History Foundation. | 0 | |
1027-037X | The Pacific journal of theology | South Pacific Association of Theological Schools. | 0 | |
0897-3644 | The Pacific world | Institute of Buddhist Studies (Berkeley, Calif.) | 0 | |
1528-0268 | The pomegranate | The Pomegranate | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1735 | The pomegranate (e-vir) | [The Pomegranate] | 0 | ✔ |
1568-4857 | The review of Rabbinic Judaism | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0704 | The Review of Rabbinic Judaism (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0265-4539 | The Scottish bulletin of evangelical theology | Scottish Evangelical Theology Society and Rutherford House | 0 | |
2326-0726 | The sixteenth century journal (e-vir) | Foundation for Reformation Research and the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference | 0 | ✔ |
0361-0160 | The Sixteenth century journal | Sixteenth Century Press | 0 | ✔ |
1520-7307 | The Southern Baptist journal of theology | Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
1052-4533 | The Studia Philonica annual | Brown University. | 0 | |
1050-4745 | The Torah u-madda journal | Yeshiva University. | 0 | |
2328-8663 | The Torah u-madda journal (e-vir) | Yeshiva University | 0 | |
1357-7581 | The Western Buddhist review | Western Buddhist Order.; Vajraku#t#a Buddhist Study Centre. | 0 | |
0043-4388 | The Westminster theological journal | Westminster Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
0826-9831 | Toronto journal of theology | Toronto School of Theology | 0 | ✔ |
1918-6371 | Toronto journal of theology (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0827-3200 | Touchstone | Touchstone: Heritage and Theology in a New Age (Organization) | 0 | |
0362-1529 | Traditio | Fordham University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2166-5508 | Traditio (e-vir) | Cosmpolitan Science & Art Service Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0778-8304 | Trajecta | Redactie Trajecta | 0 | ✔ |
2665-9484 | Trajecta (e-vir) | Trajecta | 0 | ✔ |
0265-3788 | Transformation | Paternoster Press | 0 | ✔ |
1759-8931 | Transformation (e-vir) | Published on behalf of World Evangelical Fellowship Theological Commission, by the Paternoster Press] | 0 | ✔ |
1286-9449 | Transversalités | Institut catholique | 0 | |
0360-3032 | Trinity journal | Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. | 0 | |
0855-1979 | Trinity Journal of Church and Theology | Trinity College. | 0 | |
0270-2533 | Trinity Seminary review | Trinity Lutheran Seminary | 0 | |
2169-4095 | Trinity Seminary review (e-vir) | Trinity Lutheran Seminary (Columbus, Ohio) | 0 | |
0082-7118 | Tyndale bulletin | Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical and Theological Research. | 0 | |
2752-7042 | Tyndale bulletin (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0362-1545 | Union Seminary quarterly review | Union Theological Seminary (New York, N.Y.), | 0 | |
0344-9254 | Unitas Fratrum | Wittig. | 0 | |
1323-6377 | Uniting Church studies | United Theological College (North Parramatta, N.S.W.) | 0 | |
1609-9982 | Verbum et Ecclesia | [University of Pretoria] | 0 | ✔ |
2074-7705 | Verbum et Ecclesia (e-vir) | AOSIS OpenJournals | 0 | ✔ |
1121-9696 | Vetera christianorum | Edipuglia | 0 | |
0042-4935 | Vetus Testamentum | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5330 | Vetus Testamentum (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0083-5897 | Viator | University of California Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2031-0234 | Viator (e-vir) | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0042-6032 | Vigiliae christianae | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0720 | Vigiliae Christianae (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0271-3012 | VII | Wheaton College (Ill.); Wheaton College (Ill.). | 0 | |
2767-3685 | VII (e-vir) | [Wheaton College] | 0 | |
1492-7799 | Vision | Canadian Mennonite Bible College.; Mennonite Literary Society.; University of Winnipeg.; Canadian Mennonite University.; Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (Elkhart, Ind.) | 0 | |
0042-7543 | Vivarium | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5349 | Vivarium | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0104-0073 | Vox Scripturae | Editora União Cristã | 0 | |
2291-1723 | Wesley and Methodist studies | Manchester Wesley Research Centre; MWRC; Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History | 0 | |
2291-1731 | Wesley and Methodist studies (e-vir) | Clements Publishing Group | 0 | |
0092-4245 | Wesleyan theological journal | Wesleyan Theological Society. | 0 | |
0362-5648 | Wisconsin Lutheran quarterly; | Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.; Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. | 0 | |
1209-9392 | Women in Judaism | Centre St. Thornhill | 0 | |
0275-5270 | Word & world | Luther-Northwestern Theological Seminaries. | 0 | |
0043-941X | Worship | St. John's Abbey (Collegeville, Minn.) | 0 | |
0169-7536 | Zeitschrift für dialektische Theologie | Komitee zur Förderung des Studiums der Theologie | 0 | |
2213-0241 | Zeitschrift für dialektische Theologie | Protestantse Theologische Universiteit | 0 | |
0044-2526 | Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0103 | Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2615 | Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-009X | Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2674 | Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | ✔ |
2197-912X | Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik (e-vir) | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2925 | Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte | W. Kohlhammer | 0 | |
0342-9423 | Zeitschrift für Mission | Lembeck :; Basileia-Verl. | 0 | |
0044-3123 | Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft | EOS | 0 | |
0943-7592 | Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte = | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1612-9776 | Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte = | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0739 | Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3441 | Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte = | Brill; Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2194-508X | Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3549 | Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
1868-7377 | Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0137-2432 | Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagellońskiego | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | 0 | ✔ |
0943-8610 | ZfR. Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft | Diagonal-Verl.. | 0 | ✔ |
0254-4407 | Zwingliana | Theologischer Verlag | 0 | |
0253-9322 | 0 | |||
1117-1073 | 0 | |||
1539-2430 | 0 | |||
1812-366X | 0 | |||
Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne bibliografske baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti s spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Vključene niso tiste revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznamov revij ni bilo možno pridobiti v celoti. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen. Seznami se od leta 2014 naprej vsako leto vzpostavljajo na novo. To pomeni, da OSIC-i vsako leto na novo prevzamejo sezname s spletnih strani proizvajalcev; ti seznami potem veljajo za tekoče leto oz. do prejema novih seznamov. Od leta 2014 naprej se torej članki v revijah v določenem letu vrednotijo v skladu z uvrstitvijo na sezname v tem letu. Članki v tekočem letu se do prejema novih seznamov vrednotijo v skladu z zadnjo prejeto verzijo seznamov. Za članke do vključno leta 2013 pa veljajo še stari kumulativni seznami, pri katerih so se revije na sezname samo dodajale, ne pa tudi iz njih odstranjevale, četudi je revija iz baze izpadla. V stolpcu Odprti dostop so s kljukico označene revije, za katere so v informacijskem servisu SHERPA/RoMEO objavljeni podatki o licenčnih pogojih založb in politiki arhiviranja posameznih revij. S klikom na kljukico se prestavimo na zapis revije z informacijami o politiki odprtega dostopa. |
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